Graduate Courses
Master and PhD study
Directorate of Higher Education was officially established in 2013 at Soran University. Directorate of Higher Education is a scientific and administrative directorate, which is responsible for supervising and monitoring the situation of higher education (doctorate, master and higher diploma) in Soran University. This department is under the supervision of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs. In addition, it has various functions to ensure the effective management, quality and development of higher education. However, Soran University is a new university, but it is proud of its achievements so far. One of these achievements is the opening of higher education/higher diploma, master's and doctoral degrees, which is increasingly expanding.
Each faculty has its own programs for higher diploma, master's and doctoral studies. Also, with the increase in the rate of obtaining doctorates by the staff of Soran University, the programs will be expanded and these programs are currently available:
Faculty of Arts
One-year higher diploma:
One-year Master's Diploma in Geography
One year higher diploma in Kurdish
One-year Master's Diploma in Sociology
One-year Master's Diploma in Psychology
Master :
Master of Geography
Master in Kurdish Language – Literature
Master of Arabic Language – Literature
Master of English Language – Literature - TESOL
Master of Sociology
Master of Psychology
Master of History Medieval - Contemporary Centuries - Ancient
PhD in Geography
Doctorate in Kurdish Language – Literature
PhD in Arabic Language – Literature
PhD in English Language – Literature - TESOL
PhD in Sociology
PhD in Psychology
Doctor of History Medieval - Contemporary Centuries - Ancient
Faculty of Science
One-year higher diploma:
One-year Master's Diploma in Biology
One year Master's Diploma in Computer
One-year Master's Diploma in Mathematics
One-year Master's Diploma in Petroleum Geoscience
Master :
Master of Chemistry
Master of Petroleum Geology
Master of Science in Biology
Master of Computer Science
Master of Mathematics
Master of Petroleum Geoscience
PhD in Petroleum Geology
PhD in Biology
PhD in Computer Science
PhD in Mathematics
PhD in Petroleum Geoscience
Faculty of Engineering
One-year higher diploma:
One-year Master's Diploma in Civil Engineering
One-year Master's Diploma in Petroleum Engineering
One-year Master's Diploma in Chemical Engineering
Master :
Master of Civil Engineering
Master of Petroleum Engineering
Master of Chemical Engineering
PhD in Civil Engineering
PhD in Petroleum Engineering
Doctor of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Education
Master :
Master of General Sciences
Master in Kurdish : Language - Literature
Master of Sports
PhD in Sports
Faculty of Law
One-year higher diploma:
One-year higher diploma in law
Master :
Master of Private - Public Law
Master of Politics and International Relations
Master of Business Administration
Master of Accounting
PhD in Private - General
PhD in Politics and International Relations
PhD in Business Administration
PhD in Accounting